The Appropedia Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open access to valuable information for sustainable living and green technology. We manage Appropedia, an online platform where a diverse community of over 3,500 contributors share their expertise and insights, resulting in more than 14,000 pages of content available in multiple languages, making it a resource for individuals seeking to make positive changes towards a more sustainable future.


We aim for a world where everyone can access the knowledge they need to live sustainably and build better lives with fairness and care for the environment.


Our mission is to share open knowledge that helps people solve global problems with practical solutions. We want to ensure that everyone, everywhere, can access this information to create a better, sustainable future.


Fact-based knowledge: Imagine having access to a treasure trove of knowledge that spans generations and disciplines. That’s exactly what Appropedia is – a dynamic knowledge hub that sources information from academia and ancestral wisdom. But here’s the kicker: all the knowledge on Appropedia is grounded in theory and practice, making it verifiable and reliable.

Experiential learning: We firmly believe that hands-on learning through making can unlock a world of knowledge. Every unique perspective contributes to a greater understanding of how we can apply our skills in new and exciting ways.

Openness: At Appropedia, we’re all about spreading knowledge far and wide! That’s why we’re committed to ensuring all our content is open and freely available. We’re big fans of using open licenses and giving credit where credit is due. And most importantly, we’re passionate about fostering a culture of communication and sharing so that knowledge can flourish and benefit everyone.

Value of know-how: We believe everyone has something valuable to contribute, whether they’re experts with formal education or folks with hands-on experience. We’re all about bringing these diverse perspectives together to create real-world impact. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, we welcome you to join our community and help us make a difference.

Global focus: Sustainability is a critical issue that affects us all, regardless of where we live, whether in the bustling city or the serene countryside and regardless of our level of development. At Appropedia, we’re committed to creating accessible content for everyone, so that we can work together toward a more sustainable future.

Human-centered: Appropedia is where sustainability meets human settlement, focusing on building rich, sustainable lives. All the knowledge and expertise this platform shares revolve around ensuring people’s well-being is at the core of everything we make.

Help us continue developing and sharing collaborative solutions in sustainability,
poverty reduction, and international development.


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